Beberapa Gambar Sekitar Gerakerja Di Kawasan Jerai


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Sains Dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa Inggeris

I had attended a roundtable discussion on the future direction of PPSMI yesterday at the Putrajaya International Conference Centre. It was organised by the Ministry of Education to get feedback from political leaders, NGOs, special interest groups including teachers groups, parents, students and so on about the future of PPSMI. I was informed that yesterday’s roundtable discussion was the fourth and final roundtable talk, mainly attended by Barisan Nasional political leaders and State Education EXCO, Pakatan Rakyat representatives, NGOs, NUTP and Parents’ Groups.

Before I go further, a bit of background on PPSMI. PPSMI or the usage of English to teach Maths and Science was introduced in 2003. Since the announcement, there have been a whole load of debate on this issue – whether it is the right move or not, will our children suffer because of this policy, that it is a step back for all other languages, because everything is in English, then Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and the cultures will suffer and so on. The list of negatives were endless. So were the positives – the lingua franca today is English, the scientific language of today is English, we will lose competitiveness in the world if our children are not proficient in English and the scientific language and so on.

In fact, whenever the topic PPSMI creeps into a discussion, seldom you will get everyone agreeing to a point. Same scenario yesterday. So many ideas and opinions surfaced yesterday. Let me list some of them for you:-

i. Totally scrap PPSMI and revert to pre-PPSMI years. It does not matter the amount of money already spent the last 6 years (RM5.2b for the equipment, teaching aids and teachers’ training and allowances) and that one generation of students have gone through it;

ii. Follow through as it is – don’t quit. Obviously it hurts and there will be a lot of resistance initially but things are improving.

iii. Continue with the dual language option.

iv. Discontinue PPSMI at primary level but proceed at secondary level.

v. Continue PPSMI with adjustments and strengthen implementation.

There was this one Interest Group – Parents Action Group for Education or ‘PAGE’ which stood resolutely that PPSMI should continue. In fact they came up with a list of factual arguments to support their ‘appeal’. They also told the audience yesterday, since they started work a month ago and reached out to other PIBGs and schools in the last two weeks, about 68 schools with a total of 56,000 students have signed up to support their cause.

I was impressed with their work and the response they got in a short span of time. Does this mean the parents, public and rakyat in general actually want PPSMI? And that those who are against it are certain groups who are scared that PPSMI will overwhelm them, or their culture, or whatever else they are afraid of? Are these groups resisting PPSMI because they do not want to learn to change?

I for one would like to give them more time and see what kind of response they get throughout the country. I hope they do not focus on urban schools only. They should also get the response from rural based and vernacular schools. As a politician, who else can we get feedback from if not the Rakyat!

Anyway, I want to give my two cents worth on this matter. PPSMI is actually a good policy. It would help our children to learn and understand the scientific language, and even to an extent conversational English. More than 90% of Mathematics or Science Journals / Research are in English. And obviously we need English to compete with the rest.

I want PPSMI to continue, albeit with some adjustments and strengthening the implementation. Yes, I was the culprit who introduced Option 5 to the Roundtable discussion.

This is my proposal.

Year 1 to Year 3 - PPSMI should be more fun based. Lessons should be
very light. Just to learn the terminologies of things and names of animals, hand, feet, eyes and so on. Teachers should also have lessons out of classroom to teach the environment. The approach should be creative – games, songs and what nots. And it should be interactive.

No exams at this level.

Year 4 – Year 6 - Students should be more exposed to the usage of
simple equations, simple formulas and simple problem solving. The approach should still be creative and interactive but no songs and games. More classroom style.

This is a transition period. Exams should be customised accordingly.

At Primary level, the Ministry of Education (MOE) should allow the usage of dual language for all schools.

Form 1 – Form 6 Full implementation of PPSMI, use English.

Apart from this, I would like to suggest the following:-

i. The MOE should also strengthen the English curriculum as a subject.

ii. The minimum qualification for the intake of new trainee teachers to teach under PPSMI scheme must be high. For example, at least a Credit 3 in SPM English. The same criteria must be observed for Science and Maths too. It is of utmost importance that the teachers have the subject matter fully in their grasp before they can teach.

iii. Five / Six of the Teachers’ Traning Institute (IPG or Academic Faculty in IPTAs) be focussed fully on the training of Trainee Teachers to teach PPSMI.

iv. Training and Retraining for teachers already in service should be more effective.

v. The MOE should also focus on schools identified to be weak such as in rural areas, urban poor areas and so on. More allocation and good teachers should be given to these schools.

I want to do something like an opinion poll here. Please leave comments, opinions, your thoughts and ideas on the post. I will gather all these comments (whether positive or negative) and forward them to YB Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin and MOE officers. Let’s get our voices heard by the decision makers.

So everyone, what do you have to say about PPSMI?


Anonymous said...

I am afraid must disagree that English should be the solution to the World's language problem due to the accusation of "linguistic imperialism".

We must consider the similar claims for Chinese and Spanish as well.

I believe that the non-national language, Esperanto, is the way forward, as the long-term solution.

You can see its potential at

Unknown said...

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matematik dalam bahasa inggeris masih perlu dilaksanakan. lagipun rakyat malaysia hanya menghafal dan mencedok ilmu tetapi tidak mencipta dan mengembang ilmu secara 100%. Seandainya dalam masa 12 tahun pendidikan dan pembelajaran di Malaysia dapat mengalahkan mana-mana sistem pendidikan dan pelajaran havard dan oxford, maka penggunaan bahasa inggeris tidak diperlukan walau satu perkataan pun. 100% Bahasa Malaysia.

Buat masa ini bahasa inggeris berperanan sebagai batu loncatan.

ezaruddin said...

Saya berharap agar Sdr Ikmal dapat mencari formula untuk membuat penyatuan kembali Sekolah Kebangsaan . Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan hanya menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakseimbangan pendidikan negara . ia hanya menimbulkan semangat perkauman . saya anggap ia sebagai sekolah perkauman dan bukan bercirikan kebangsaan .

Stephen Doss said...

If the "pejuang bangsa" will not put hurdles in efforts to enhance the teaching and usage of English as a tool for the acquisition of knowledge. I am all for the reversion of Maths and Science to Bahasa Malaysia (provided its still Bahasa Malaysia and not just Bahasa Melayu) But in all honesty I doubt their assertion of a win-win situation for a reversion is genuine. Any effort to strengthen English will be campaigned against by these people.

Anonymous said...

PPSMI atau PPSMTI kalau kita ambil kira dari segi pandangan yang jauh ke hadapan, saya menyokong ia diteruskan. Tapi dari sudut lain, ada baiknya ia dimansuhkan. Apa-apa pun ada baiknya saya senaraikan sedikit sebanyak KEBAIKAN dan KEBURUKAN tentang PPSMI atau PPSMTI:

1. Kita melahirkan generasi yang mampu bersaing dalam mendapat tempat untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke Universiti Luar Negara yang terkemuka kerana mempunyai asas yang kuat dalam Bahasa Penghantar Antarabangsa ini. Ini akan dapat menampung kekurangan tenaga kerja yang profesional dalam semua bidang di negara ini, yang mana bidang berkenaan tidak di ajar di mana-mana universiti tempatan.
2. Dari segi kerjaya, kita menyediakan pelajar kita untuk mampu bersaing dalam mancari perkerjaan kerana menguasai lebih banyak bahasa mampu memberikan peluang yang lebih cerah jika dibandingkan jika hanya menguasai Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Malaysia dan sedikit perkataan 'yes','no','alright' dan 'thank q'. Majikan di Malaysia lebih suka mengaji orang yang sebegitu.
3. Anak-anak kita atau pelajar-pelajar kita juga boleh berkongsi ilmu berbahasa Inggeris dengan masyarakat tempatan, secara tidak langsung kita juga berjaya memperkayakan ilmu masyarakat kita. Ini adalah pendidikan secara tidak langsung. Tidak perlu tergesa-gesa atau dalam skop yang besar, cukup sekadar kepada tokwan, tok aki, mak su dan lain-lain.
4. Kita juga berjaya membuka mata PBB untuk melihat apa yang telah kita lakukan untuk memajukan sistem pendidikan kita agar selaras dengan kehendak pendidikan dunia.
5. Dan tentulah untuk menguasai sesuatu bidang ilmu. Untuk mempelajari sesuatu ilmu itu, kita kena mempelajari bahasa penghantar ilmu itu sendiri. Umpama kita belajar agama, kalau nak menguasai agama kita kena belajar tulisan Jawi dulu. Ini kita kena faham, kita masih bergantung teknologi. Untuk mendapatkan atau menggunakan teknologi itu kita kena tahu bahasa pengantaranya. Lain cerita jika kita boleh mencipta teknologi sendiri seperti negara Jepun, dimana penduduknya tak perlu susah-susah belajar bahasa asing.

1. Dalam pelajaran, kebanyakan pelajar bumiptera lemah dalam tiga subjek, iaitu;
i/ Bahasa Inggeris
ii/ Matematik
iii/ Sains
PPSMI dan PPSMTI suatu hari nanti akan menjadi pembunuh utama di Malaysia selepas penyakit jantung. Walaupun setiap tahun keputusan peperiksaan awam di Malaysia (PMR,SPM dan STPM) menunjukkan peningkatan dari segi peratusan lulus, ini tidak manunjukkan apa-apa tentang tahap penguasaan pelajar kita dalam PPSMI kerana gred lulus untuk sesuatu subjek itu kita boleh kurangkan atau tingkatkan. Apatah lagi, sekarang markah lulus dikurangkan kepada 40% dari 45%.
2. Kita menghabisan banyak peruntukan untuk melatih guru-guru Sains dan Matematik supaya boleh mengajar dalam bahasa Inggeris. Saya rasa tidak berjaya. Ramai guru lebih gemar mengajar dalam Bahasa Melayu walaupun teks disediakan dalam BI. Tindakan memberikan imbuhan atau elaun kepada guru-guru PPSMI juga saya rasa tidak banyak membantu. Kita sedar, tujuan elaun itu diberikan adalah untuk dijadikan sumber untuk membayar kos pendidikan guru-guru dalam mempelajari BI, sama ada dengan membeli buku Rujukan BI, atau menghadiri kelas BI.

Jika kita betul-betul ingin menjayakan PPSMI atau PPSMTI, kita kena lakukannya dengan teliti, beperingkat dan persediaan yang rapi. Saya mencadangkan;
1. Kita mulakan dengan perintis iaitu pelajar Tahun Satu sahaja, kemudian akan dibawa ke tahun seterusnya, dan mereka inilah yang akan menjadi perintis PPSMI di sekolah menengah 6 tahun kemudiannya, mereka jugalah perintis PMR, SPM dan STPM dalam PPSMI, barulah kita dapat lihat berjaya atau tidaknya PPSMI. Ini berbeza dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang dimana pelajar Tingkatan 1 yang tiada latarbelakang yang kuat dalam BI terkena kejutan budaya apabila terpaksa menghadapi PPSMI. Kita boleh anggapkan golongan ini sebagai bahan ujian. Tidak apa jika mereka gagal, kita ada tempat untuk mereka ini. Sebab itu jangan terburu-buru. Kita kena tunggu 6 tahun.
2. Kita bebalik ke zaman 60an dan 70an, di mana waktu itu ada subjek yang di ajar dalam 2 bahasa, iaitu 100% dalam BM dan 100% dalam BI. Kita gunakan cara itu, di mana pelajar kita bebas untuk mengikuti aliran yang mereka ingini dan yang mereka mampu kuasai. Dari segi sukatan dan buku teks yang digunakan hendaklah sama, beza cuma bahasa penghantar yang digunakan. Jika ini dilaksanakan, kita bukan saja berjaya dengan PPSMI, malahan tidak mustahil subjek-subjek lain kita mampu Inggeris kan. Belajar Sejarah dalam BI, Geografi dalam BI, PJK dalam BI, mungkin Bahasa Melayu dalam BI! Mana tahu :)

webman said...

Assalamualaikum saudara Ikmal

From NSTP 25 Oct 2008
"But the ministry will also take into account the results of public examinations before deciding on the matter," Razali said yesterday.

It is hopeful because he says examinations and not UPSR 2008.

However, I would like to preempt the upcoming UPSR results in BM and Math

In BM Kertas 2, there are 3 sections.

Bahagian A - 1 soalan: (tiada pilihan) memahami dan memindahkan maklumat - 10 markah

Bahagian C - 1 soalan (tiada pilihan) : memahami dan membuat ulasan - 10 markah

The contentious issue is section B

Bahagian B - 3 soalan (pilih 1) soalan karangan - 30 markah

There are basically two types of question for Bahagian B

1. Karangan Berformat seperti:
Surat Kiriman Rasmi,
Surat Kiriman Tak Rasmi,
Kad Jemputan

2. Karangan Tak Berformat seperti
Melengkapkan Cerita
Rangsangan Kata
Gambar Tunggal

In the past UPSR exams (I stand corrected: please check with Standard 6 BM teachers) there has always been at least one question from either type of Karangan.

BM teachers in most schools had put about 80% focus on Karangan Berformat (maybe easier to teach and score).

People in Peperiksaan knows this fact that the majority of students answer karangan berformat.

Somehow this 2008, someone decided not to include any karangan berformat in Bahagian B. As such most students "panicked" but tried their best to answer the karangan tak berformat.

We have yet to see the results but I do expect a drop in the number of As for BM paper 2 this year because of this factor.


As for Math paper 1 (objective answers) which carries 60 marks.

Most teachers that I spoke to claims that this year's paper was most difficult ever. ( I will try to research further on this)

Most students (even at SK Bukit Damansara with a "high strength" of English) had to take some time in understanding the long question and even "longer workings" to get the answer.

Only a few students were able to complete the paper and had very little time to recheck their answers.

Again, I expect a drop in As for this paper.

Please verify the above arguments with Standard 6 teachers in other schools.

Page 5

webman said...

Assalamualaikum saudara Ikmal

From NSTP 25 Oct 2008
"But the ministry will also take into account the results of public examinations before deciding on the matter," Razali said yesterday.

It is hopeful because he says examinations and not UPSR 2008.

I would like to preempt the upcoming UPSR results in BM and Math

In BM Kertas 2, there are 3 sections.

Bahagian A - 1 soalan: (tiada pilihan) memahami dan memindahkan maklumat - 10 markah

Bahagian C - 1 soalan (tiada pilihan) : memahami dan membuat ulasan - 10 markah

The contentious issue is section B

Bahagian B - 3 soalan (pilih 1) soalan karangan - 30 markah

There are basically two types of question for Bahagian B

1. Karangan Berformat seperti:
Surat Kiriman Rasmi,
Surat Kiriman Tak Rasmi,
Kad Jemputan

2. Karangan Tak Berformat seperti
Melengkapkan Cerita
Rangsangan Kata
Gambar Tunggal

In the past UPSR exams (I stand corrected: please check with Standard 6 BM teachers) there has always been at least one question from either type of Karangan.

BM teachers in most schools had put about 80% focus on Karangan Berformat (maybe easier to teach and score).

People in Peperiksaan knows this fact that the majority of students answer karangan berformat.

Somehow this 2008, someone decided not to include any karangan berformat in Bahagian B. As such most students "panicked" but tried their best to answer the karangan tak berformat.

We have yet to see the results but I do expect a drop in the number of As for BM paper 2 this year because of this factor.

As for Math paper 1 (objective answers) which carries 60 marks.

Most teachers that I spoke to claims that this year's paper was most difficult ever. ( I will try to research further on this)

Most students (even at a school with a "high strength" of English) had to take some time in understanding the long question and even "longer workings" to get the answer.

Only a few students were able to complete the paper and had very little time to recheck their answers.

Again, I expect a drop in As for this paper.

Please verify the above arguments with Standard 6 teachers in other schools.

Page 5

Anonymous said...

I believe that science and math should be taught in English and hopefully in the future, the medium of instruction of other languages will be changed to English as well. The standard of English, especially in the local universities around the nation, is simply atrocious. The English language is a necessity in this day and age.

Ideally, while maintaining Malay as our national language, ALL students should be fluent in the THREE main languages in our country: Malay, Mandarin and English. If anything were to unite us, it won't be the twin towers, the longest Jalur Gemilang, etc but the basic tool of human communication - language.

Timothy Cheng
Universiti Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur.

Anonymous said...

Orang-orang Inggeris pernah dijajah oleh kuasa asing. Pada ketika itu mereka menggunakan bahasa Latin sebagai bahasa ilmu. Orang-orang Inggeris meninggalkan bahasa Latin kerana ia bahasa penjajah dan ia tidak dapat membantu memperkasakan orang-orang Inggeris. Orang-orang Inggeris mula maju selepas mereka menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri sebagai bahasa ilmu. Di Malaysia agak pelik sedikit kerana ramai yang suka mengambil langkah mengundur ke belakang. Orang Melayu meninggalkan bahasa Melayu dalam mengajar sains dan matematik supaya kedua-dua subjek itu diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ada yang mengeluarkan hujah dangkal di mana PPSMI perlu kerana banyak sumber ilmu dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ini termasuklah buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal dan sebagainya. Idea sebegini amat ganjil kerana ia tidak menyentuh langsung tentang menterjemah buku-buku, artikel-artikel jurnal dan bahan-bahan lain yang berbahasa Inggeris ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Ada orang Melayu yang mempunyai kelebihan mahir dalam bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu di samping sains dan matematik. Mereka inilah yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan untuk kerja-kerja menterjemah. Dimanakah pula galakan kepada cerdik pandai Melayu untuk menulis lebih banyak bahan ilmu dalam bahasa Melayu? Kita meragui kejujuran orang yang mula-mula mencanangkan idea PPSMI. Dia menyimpan niat yang tidak baik kepada orang Melayu.