Beberapa Gambar Sekitar Gerakerja Di Kawasan Jerai


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dato' Kanalingam Vellupillai

I cannot understand the decision on V K Lingam’s case. It is a blatant and clear cut case that he had tried to use his “influence” to get certain things done, albeit in drunken stupor. More so, for all intents and purposes, it was obvious that he had arranged (through his office) and went for the holiday trip with Tun Eusoff Chin.

For the Commission and then the minister in charge to say that the case is closed or cannot be pursued for lack of evidence is highly debatable. They must now explain why and how they arrived to that decision given what the public knows. Maybe it has to do with some legal interpretation of things which we the public are not aware of. But the main thing right now is for the Minister in charge to explain clearly and wholly to the public.

Now we have R Sivarasa (PKR VP) saying that he will reveal and bring him forward the key witness to the whole case. This is crazy. He is making a mockery out of the whole system. He should have brought the person forward much earlier to assist with the investigations and not try to be a hero now. The only plausible explanation for Sivarasa’s actions is that he wants to make MACC and the Commission a laughing stock. To quote a news report :–

Speaking to reporters at the Parliament lobby today, Sivarasa said he and other PKR leaders are “personally in contact with this key witness”.

"We are shocked to learn that MACC - with all the resources at its disposal - has not been able to locate any witness and is unable to prosecute this blatant act of corruption,” said the Subang MP.

Thus shows he is just trying to play stupid politics and have a one up on MACC and Commission. What he has achieved is to waste the public’s money (investigations and Royal Commissions cost a lot), waste everyone’s time and to an extent he denied justice by hampering with investigations when he did not reveal the key witness during the investigations then.

I wonder if there are laws to prosecute him for doing this.

Whatever it is, the government cannot sweep this under the carpet. Clear and proper explanations must be given. Although the Commission had arrived to the decision not to pursue further, if there are new evidences or developments pertinent to the case, it must be brave and committed enough to re-open and investigate.

With the greatest respect to all involved, this article was written.......

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pindaan Perlembagaan UMNO

Semasa menyampaikan ucapan penerimaan jawatan Presiden di hari terakhir Persidangan Agung UMNO 2008, YAB DS Naib telah berkata " Sekiranya kita berani membuat perubahan, sokongan kepada UMNO dan Barisan Nasional akan kembali dan kita boleh pulih kedudukan kita"......dan "jikalau kita tidak berani atau tidak mahu berubah, maka kita akan rebah"........

Alhamdulillah, Persidangan Agung UMNO 2009 menjadi saksi kepada peristiwa sejarah meminda perlembagaan untuk UMNO berubah. Secara ringkasnya, pindaan perlembagaan ini mengambil tiga pendekatan. Bahawa UMNO perlu menjadi dan dilihat lebih terbuka, lebih demokratik dan lebih inklusif.

Secara ringkasnya terdapat 9 pindaan perlembagaan yang besar.:-

i. Ahli mengundi

Penambahan ahli-ahli yang akan mengundi dan memilih Jawatan-Jawatan Presiden, Timbalan Presiden, Naib Presiden, MT. Jikalau dulu hanya 2,600 orang perwakilan terdiri daripada 13 orang setiap bahagian yang akan mengundi dan memilih, kini dianggarkan seramai 146,500 orang ahli yang akan mengundi dan memilih yakni lebih kurang 500 lebih setiap bahagian. Mereka ini terdiri daripada ahli-ahli cawangan yang mewakili akar umbi seluruh negara.

Ulasan Ringkas

Pindaan ini akan memastikan bahawa lebih ramai rakyat dari pelbagai latar belakang, baik kaya atau miskin, tinggal di Bandar mahupun kampung dan sebagainya dapat menentukan kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO. Ini juga akan memastikan penentuan ini tidak hanya terletak pada 13 orang setiap bahagian yang mungkin mempunyai agenda tersendiri untuk seseorang itu naik, tetapi kepada lebih kurang 500 orang satu bahagian yang mungkin tidak langsung mengenali calon itu secara peribadi tetapi dapat merasakan usaha kerja dan jasa calon itu kepada rakyat.

Persepsi bahawa adalah senang menyogok lebih kurang 2,500 perwakilan dengan duit (politik wang) juga terhapus. Cuba sogok 146,500 pengundi seluruh negara.

ii. Kuota kelayakan untuk bertanding

Sebelum ini, sesiapa yang ingin bertanding jawatan – jawatan tertinggi termasuklah di peringkat MT atauketua, timbalan dan naib ketua bahagian harus mendapat pencalonan minima sebelum layak bertanding. Pindaan perlembagaan ini hanya meletakkan syarat minima yakni:-

a. Pertandingan peringkat MT, Calon harus pernah memegang mana-mana jawatan Ahli Jawatankausa bahagian selama satu penggal.

b. Pertandingan peringkat bahagian, calon harus sudah menjadi ahli selama satu penggal.

c. Calon-calon haruslah mendaftarkan dirinya bersama penyoknog dan pencadang untuk bertanding.

Ulasan Ringkas

Memudahkan bakat-bakat baru untuk menawarkan diri untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat melalui UMNO. Tidak ada sekatan atau halangan yang menidakkan bakat-bakat baru ini bertanding.

iii. Penambahan kuota Wanita

Pelantikan Wanita sebagai AJK lantikan tambahan di peringkat MT, Bahagian dan Cawangan seterusnya pertambahan AJK disetiap peringkat.

Wanita diberi kuota tambahan di semua peringkat dari 1 automatik ke 2 lantikan automatik.

Ulasan ringkas

Sebagai satu penghormatan kepada Wanita atas kesetiaan dan penant lelah mereka. Lebih-lebih lagi Wanita merupakan nadi dan tiang kepada UMNO.

iv. Yuran

Yuran seumur hidup kini adalah RM2

v. Perwakilan Automatik

Ketua-ketua sayap diperingkat cawangan kini menjadi perwakilan automatik ke peringkat bahagian.

Ulasan Ringkas

Satu pengiktirafan kepada ketua-ketua sayap cawangan. Ianya satu pengiktirafan kepada orang muda melalui Pemuda dna Puteri.

vi. Setiausaha Bahagian

Setiausaha Bahagian kini menjadi perwakilan automatik

Ulasan ringkas:-

Pengiktirafan kepada SUB yang berfungsi sebagai Ketua Pegawai Operasi atau Chief operating Officer bahagian bahagian. Satu kerja yang sukar dan bukan ramai boleh melakukannya.

vii. Penerimaan keahlian

Ketua-ketua sayap kini diberi mandat untuk menerima dan meluluskan permohonan mengikut sayap masing-masing.

Ulasan Ringkas:-

Lebih banyak ruang untuk orang muda menyertai parti tanpa sekatan oleh sesiapa.

Pindaan Perlembagaan ini telah diluluskan tanpa ada halangan atau bantahan. Ini menunjukkan para perwakilan sedar perlunya UMNO berubah.

Saya yakin pindaan ini dapat merevolusikan UMNO dan mengukuhkan UMNO kembali. Ucapan YAB DS Najib juga adalah amat bagus, bersemangat, ikhlas, bermuhasabah serta penuh keazaman untuk UMNO memimpin membangunkan negara untuk semua orang termasuk semua agama dan bangsa, bukan sahaja ahli-ahli UMNO.

Hari Malaysia - 16 September 1963

I am extremely happy YAB DS Najib announced that the Cabinet had decided 16 September 1963 be commemorated as Hari Malaysia and that starting from 2010, 16 September is declared a public holiday.

The recognition is long overdue. 16 September 1963 was the date Malaysia was formed with the joining of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore (Singapore subsequently left in 1965) into Tanah Melayu. As such, it is only right that we recognise this date apart from 31 August 2009 as our Independence Day.

I hope this announcement will bring Sabahans and Sarawakians closer to West Malaysians. This declaration should also put to rest all uneasiness or provocations that the Federal Government viewed the two states as lesser than the rest.

We are all sons and daughters of Malaysia. Let us together enjoy and celebrate the uniqueness of Malaysia.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Program Jejak Akar bersama KEMAS Daerah Yan

Baru-baru ini saya telah melawat beberapa buah rumah di sekitar DUN Sg Limau bersama KEMAS Daerah Yan. Kami telah pergi menziarahi rumah - rumah mereka yang telah di kategorikan sebagai susah dan memerlukan bantuan di bawah Program Tambahan Makanan Seimbang.

Di bawah program ini, keluarga-keluarga yang dipilih adalah mereka yang susah dan mempunyai anak-anak kecil yang menghadiri kelas tabika KEMAS dan yang menghadiri sekolah. Keluarga-keluarga ini telah diberi makanan berkhasiat seisi keluarga termasuklah susu tepung, vitamin (untuk anak-anak), milo (atau tepung coklat) dan sebagainya. Antara objektif utama adalah untuk memberi makanan berkhasiat untuk anak-anak sebagai apa yang kita panggil brain food ataupun makanan untuk menjadikan otak dan minda mereka cerdas.

Kami mengambil keputusan untuk menziarahi terus ke rumah-rumah mereka supaya dapat melihat masalah keluarga-keluarga ini serta berbincang apa-apa yang boleh kami bantu selain Program ini. Dengan cara ini barulah kami betul-betul dapat membantu serta memahami cara mereka menjalankan kehidupan harian mereka. Dengan cara ini juga, ianya memberi peluang untuk saya meninjau secara dekat perkembangan kampung-kampung dan bersembang dengan penduduk-penduduk lain juga.

Alhamdulillah, KEMAS Daerah Yan telah membantu sebaik mungkin dan berjaya menjadi salah satu agensi kerajaan yang menghubungkan kepimpinan dengan masyarakat secara efektif. Saya juga gembira dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan dalam gerakerja kita bersama.

Yang naik gerek ( bahasa Kedah untuk basikal) ni adalah salah seorang kakitangan KEMAS yang juga AJK UMNO Bahagian Jerai.....dah lama tak naik kot, teringin sangat....selamat tak jatuh, kalau tidak jadi cerita lain.........

Moga usaha ini kita teruskan bersama.....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bagan Pinang - An enigma.....or simple logic?

The Bagan Pinang by-election was very interesting. Half of Port Dickson, especially the half that has most of the hotels, resorts and popular beaches are in Bagan Pinang. The electorate there is also diversed - roughly 64% Malays, 20% Indians, 11% Chinese and 5% others. Of the total electorate, we have about 4,000 postal voters from the police force and the army.

Bagan Pinang (Port Dickson) is also 1.5 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur and 30 minutes from Seremban. I know some people who would dispute that and proudly say they can do much less than that, but we will leave them to their impending appointments with the hospitals on that. The close proximity to KL and Seremban along with its given status as a popular beach area with many resorts and hotels basically tell us that the locals (ie the electorate) are quite balanced in terms of education and have been exposed to news and the happenings in KL and so on. They also read the papers and are very up-to-date with all current issues and whatever is happening in Malaysia and around the world. There are also many housing developments areas there to attest to the middle income theory. Even the kampung folks there are quite well exposed. Many work either in tourism related industries, the security force or small retail businesses (ie sundry shops and so on).

During the campaigning period, Pakatan Rakyat relentlessly attacked the BN candidate and BN on several issues:-

i. That YB Tan Sri Isa is corrupted.

ii. That BN is a corrupted party.

iii. That BN is a gangster party that causes havoc with its supporters being very violent and gangster like.

iv. That BN had was the cause of racial hatred with issues like the late A Kugan, Teoh Beng Hock and the cow head issue in Shah Alam being played over and over again by the PR in their speeches, banners and leaflets to the public.

However, YB Tan Sri Isa Samad won handsomely, with an increased majority (double last time’s majority) of 5,435 votes. To be honest, almost everyone expected BN to win through YB TS Isa, so winning was not a surprise. The shock is the number of votes garnered, and the majority that he won. The other thing bucking the trend this time is that the Chinese and Indian voters almost fully supported TS Isa Samad.

What does this mean? One thing I am happy about is that this shows a man who has served his punishment (UMNO disciplinary board found him guilty of money politics) and has repented can be given a second chance and can be accepted back to the society if he truly repents. Of course, what YAB DS Najib and YAB TS Muhyidiin have been doing for the last couple of months since taking over the helm are also starting to bear fruits and are appreciated by the rakyat.

But as important, if one were to analyse between other by-elections and Bagan Pinang, only two variable main factors. Firstly, as discussed above is the YAB PM and DPM, and secondly is the candidate. Just as recent as August, we had a by-election in Permatang Pasir. Granted it is a PR stronghold but the barrage of attacks on the BN candidate there was tremendous due to the various issues compared to Bagan Pinang where the electorate embraced and to some extent even defended the BN candidate.

This goes to show that apart from all other considerations like party hierarchy (post in the division), being seen clean and so on, the candidate’s closeness to the society at large and his/her contribution to the society plays a major role. His/Her personal touch with the rakyat is very important and will be a deciding factor more than party hierarchy and so on. The candidate must already have a history and must be able to connect with the grassroots going into any election.

Some say YB TS Isa won because of the postal votes from the army and police. True YB TS Isa got the lion’s share of the postal votes (BN - 3,521; PAS – 601) but his majority was 5,435, way above the postal votes.

One thing this whole exercise has taught us is that the candidate factor is of paramount importance. Gone were the days where you can put a “stump” and people will still vote for you because you are aligned to a certain party. The electorate are wiser now and would like to see their “Wakil Rakyat” doing work and contributing effectively apart from the party itself being relevant and developing the nation properly.

To many who are apolitical, this is important. To vote in the right candidates and right party who have the rakyat’s interest at heart.

A good lesson for all.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jamuan Hari Raya Terbuka di Kampung Titi Teras

Baru-baru ini pihak JKKKP Kampung titi Teras telah mengadakan majlis Jamuan Kampung Terbuka sempena Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Alhamdulillah, ramai yang telah hadir dan sambutan adalah amat meriah. Ramai anak-anak yang hadir dan seronok, lebih-lebih apabila mereka mendapat duit Raya.
Saya seronok, bangga dan gembira melihat kerjasama dan perpaduan yang jelas terpancar untuk menjayakan program ini. Malah saya terkejut dan amat gembira apabila mendapat tahu OCS Guar Chempedak telah volunteer dan dengan sendirinya menyediakan teh tarik untuk semua. Cuba tengok di atas untuk gambar beliau menyediakan teh tarik bersama isteri. Inilah polis dan komuniti sebaik-baiknya.
Alhamdulillah, moga kampung dapat menganjurkan lebih banyak program-program kemasyarakatan demi perpaduan kampung.
Sedap makan..............

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Manila trip

Hi everyone. It has been quite awhile since I posted anything on the blog. Been a bit busy running around. In fact, my Raya celebrations this year was a bit unique. First day of Raya was spent as usual, Raya with mom, mom-in -law, family and friends. Rather busy actually. Though we did not have an open house per se, we had a few friends and family over. It was nice and good.

Second day of Raya, we headed out to Manila. Had something to do there and decided to take everyone along. We were there until Friday, a day before storm Ketsana hit Manila.

Talking about Manila, to a large extent, I am not surprised at what they are going through right now. Even when I was there recently, the level of poverty in Manila was so glaring right on your face. I stayed at a relatively good hotel, Diamond Hotel which is beside Hyatt Hotel. All around us, we could see people living on the streets. Hyatt Hotel is another Five Star Hotel in Manila and a well known up market hotel chain, but just in front of the hotel you have people living on the streets and children sleeping on the pavement.

And there is just so much rubbish on the streets that clogged up the drains and waterways along the roads and so on. On the second night we were there, it rained a bit in Manila. Even then, there was already flooding on the roads and we can see rubbish floating around. So the flooding that is happening in Manila after Ketsana, though I wouldn't wish the storm on any country or anyone, is not surprising.

We were also warned to be careful when walking around - muggings, pickpockets and so on are quite normal there. Thank God nothing happened to us. I also felt as if almost everyone there wants to try to take advantage and cheat tourists. The taxis generally don't want to use meters and charge whatever they feel they can get away with. From my hotel to the Asia Mall for example, I had prices at 150 pesos, 100 pesos, 85 pesos (with a 10 peso tip) when the taxi used the meter. Prices are hiked up immediately when they know you are a tourist. Even a simple thing as buying bottled water at Rizal Park (a memorial park) was subject to price negotiation.

And everywhere, they will demand a tip. It turned into a joke when we visited Tagaytay area. We went to Mount Ta'al, an active volcanic mountain situated on an Island. There was this guy who just helped us alight from the boat and later onto the boat again and he demanded a tip because he said we walked on his plank about 3 feet long. I was flabbergasted!

But there were many good things also in Manila. The whole family enjoyed Asia Mall for example. And I tried ice-skating again after 30 years at the behest of my family. Good fun and I can tell you that my bottom was feeling rather raw after skating. Not including the ache on my feet for wearing skating boots.

All in all, I was thankful we left just before the Storm Ketsana hit Manila. Or else, I am positive I would have been stuck a few days more. What I wrote here about Manila is not to run them down, but I felt sad by the level of poverty I saw there. Almost anywhere and everywhere - at Rizal Park, along Manila Bay area, on the streets just outside the Hyatt Hotel and so on, there will be people making that their sleeping area at night.

Those who are rich are super rich adn those who are poor - I don't know how they or their children will get out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

I pray to God that the Filipinos will get through the floodings and storms in good health.

It was an experience and a sobering one for me. Though both cities are capitals to countries in Asean, a stark difference comparing Manila with Kuala Lumpur.

I thank God for blessing Malaysia and grateful to our leaders for leading and developing the country so well. Granted there is room for improvement but that is also a continuous process. Principally, our Government has done much good for us. And I am happy and thankful that in Malaysia, those who are poor still have the Government to help them out of poverty. Alhamdulillah.