Beberapa Gambar Sekitar Gerakerja Di Kawasan Jerai


Friday, November 28, 2008

Just A Quick Note

I am increasingly embarrassed and frustrated by the behaviour of our so-called Yang Berhormats. I am saying this not only for MPS such as YB Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman or YB Datuk Bung Mokhtar, but also for those like YB Karpal Singh, YB Lim Kit Siang and all or any other MPs who resort to name calling in Parliament.

Don't these MPs know that they are elected and respected by the people, albeit their own constituencies. Each of them must have easily got more than 10,000 votes during the election. I wonder how each and every one of these voters feel knowing their MPs resort to name calling, shouting at each other and generally behaving like total idiots in Parliament.

Imagine the shock and disgust on the faces of those who visit the Parliament and sit in during these debates. And I can tell you many of these visitors are school children and University students.

I know that the media would definately highlight more on the name calling incidents rather than the other good things these individual MPs have done, but that is no excuse to behave poorly.

I hope the Chief Whip of both sides, Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat will do something and rein in these errant MPs. Discipline them, even if it means just internal party discipline. I know these people are the so-called big wigs in the party or the pointman in debates for their parties, but it does not mean you have to make such derogatory remarks.

I don't blame the party for this. Both sides of the fence have their errant MPs. Should we not vote for Pakatan Rakyat because of the behaviour of certain individuals, the same applies to Barisan Nasional. Punish and discipline the individuals. And let's try to have more well behaved sessions and MPS like YB Dato Razali Ibrahim, YB Dato Fuad Zakarshi, YB Dato Liow Tiong Lai, YB Azmin Ali and so on. I was told even YB Dato Mohd Aziz has improved a lot and not resorted to name calling.

I want quality debates and debates that will positively affect the rakyat. Do not trivialise Parliament sessions. And do not make our Parliament sessions like those in Taiwan that resulted in fist-fighting even.

Please respect our parliament.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It has been an interesting couple of days on this yoga issue. The edict by the National Fatwa Council has got many talking about it. Many who did not know anything or saw nothing wrong with yoga were caught by surprise. Many more who actually practised yoga thought nothing of it before this until the edict was issued.

Now, I have to admit. I am one of the ignorant ones who knows next to nothing about yoga. Yes, I know it is a lot of posturing, positions, stretching and meditation, but I have to admit I have practically zero knowledge about it. So, I was one of them totally surprised when the National Fatwa Council came up with an edict banning yoga for Muslims. I was more surprised when I heard yoga was also banned by the Fatwa Councils of Egypt and Singapore along with some churches in the UK.

I respect the views and opinions of the learned scholars who debated on this issue resulting on the issuance of the edict. It was after all decided only after much deliberation and I assume research. And these are by people whom are elected to sit in the council because of their in depth knowledge in the religion. From what I have read also, the banning of yoga for Muslims is because it has certain connotations to Hinduism – the chanting, meditation and so on.

But yoga is divided into two, the physical element and the spiritual element. Many would argue that the physical stretching, posturing and so on without the chants or meditation in yoga are alright. Many yoga enthusiasts argue that they practise yoga for health and do not in any way undertake the spiritual side. My friends and I were also discussing last evening and one correctly pointed out that our Malay and Malaysian culture have been infused by bits and pieces of Hinduism practice minus the religious elements. Take bersanding in a wedding for example, I am told that this practice originated from India and practised by the Indians. A lot of Malay weddings do it also, but it does not mean we practice or are any closer to Hinduism.

What I would like to see is for the National Fatwa Council to explain its decision. I want the council to elaborate and clarify in detail the various reasons to ban yoga. The Council must make the public, especially the Muslim public understand its decision, how and why the members arrived to it. The Council cannot expect the public to just accept whatever they decide without any justification and clarification. This lack of explanation by the Council is exactly the reason why certain states will adopt the edict whilst others won’t. This lack of justification is why some people can accept the edict without any questions whilst others are not able to accept it. At the end of the whole debate, what we will get is nothing more but total and utter confusion.

Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, practising yoga is good for health ( don’t forget I know nuts about yoga!!). An explanation would definitely help me undertand the edict. More so, I am sure not all of yoga is no good. I would like to suggest for the Council to re-analyse yoga from all angles. Allow and adopt the positive elements but ban the negative parts. And explain it to the public.

I am willing to give the National Fatwa Council the benefit of the doubt. But they should and must explain their thought process in arriving to the edict of banning yoga and explore the idea to adopt the positive parts and ban the negative elements of yoga.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I have always thought that one of the best approaches for racial integration is to educate and expose the children from young. This means through the parent unit, school unit or the social network unit that would allow children to interact with one another. Just observe our children when they are playing with each other, and I am talking about the young ones aged 3 – 10 years old. They have no problems at all to play with any other child, be the child a boy or a girl, a Malay, a Chinese, an Indian or anything else. They are oblivious to the differences that we seem to be so sensitized to. To them a friend is a friend, more so a friend whom they can play with and there is no feeling of discomfort.

The same goes for sports. When the Malaysian National team is playing another national team, I observe that all Malaysians, without taking into consideration colour or creed, will support the national team wholeheartedly. And I bet we were all beaming with pride and felt a warm glow inside us when Datuk Lee Chong Wei kissed the National flag on his T-shirt when winning the Semi-Finals match in the Mens Singles Badminton competition during Beijing Olympics.

When the government announced the idea of building Sekolah Wawasan or Vision School back then, I was naturally very excited. I felt it would provide the best platform for young school children of all races and both sexes to interact without any prejudices or baggage. This particular tool (ie Vision School) would provide the perfect environment and opportunity for these students.

Let me talk a bit about the concept of Vision School. The Government will build on a large piece of land 3 schools – a National School, an SRJK (C) and an SRJK (T). Each school would have its own classrooms, set of teachers and of course its own administration. Each school will also be run independently in terms of syllabus and teaching. In other words, each school is administered independently of one another.

They would however share the following – a big field for co-curriculum activities, a big canteen to cater for all needs and I believe school assemblies. Apart from that, probably other co-curriculum activities like sports day and celebrations like teachers’ day, awards day and so on. Each administration would also be required to interact and meet to discuss and co-ordinate activities.

In fact, the teachers and administration of each school can share ideas, give each other advice and share their problems and solutions together.

Now, I do not see anything wrong with this set up. You still retain your identity as a SJK (C) or SJK (T). That is not lost at all. In fact, that is enshrined in our constitution. Article 12 in in the Constitution states:-

“ Perkara 12. Hak berkenaan dengan pendidikan.

(1) Tanpa menjejaskan keluasan Perkara 8, tidak boleh ada diskriminasi terhadap mana-mana warganegara semata-mata atas alasan agama, ras, keturunan atau tempat lahir—
(a) dalam pentadbiran mana-mana institusi pendidikan yang disenggarakan oleh suatu pihak berkuasa awam, dan, khususnya, kemasukan murid-murid atau pelajar-pelajar atau pembayaran fi; atau (b) dalam memberikan bantuan kewangan daripada wang sesuatu pihak berkuasa awam bagi penyenggaraan atau pendidikan murid-murid atau pelajar-pelajar di mana-mana institusi pendidikan (sama ada disenggarakan oleh suatu pihak berkuasa awam atau tidak dan sama ada di dalam atau di luar Persekutuan).

(2) Tiap-tiap kumpulan agama berhak menubuhkan dan menyenggarakan institusi-institusi bagi pendidikan kanak-kanak dalam agama kumpulan itu sendiri, dan tidak boleh ada diskriminasi semata-mata atas alasan agama dalam mana-mana undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan institusi-institusi itu atau dalam pentadbiran mana-mana undang-undang itu; tetapi adalah sah bagi Persekutuan atau sesuatu Negeri menubuhkan atau menyenggarakan atau membantu dalam menubuhkan atau menyenggarakan institusi-institusi Islam atau mengadakan atau membantu dalam mengadakan ajaran dalam agama Islam dan melakukan apa-apa perbelanjaan sebagaimana yang perlu bagi maksud itu.”

The right to such vernacular education is also part of the Social Contract by our forefathers. Just look around us, I do not know of any country in this world that has such an education system like we have. Not even Singapore. I am told Lee Kuan Yew closed down all other streams of schools in the 60s / 70s and only allowed national schools.

Thailand, Indonesia or even Phillipines do not have such a system also. In fact they are worse. Everyone, whether you are a Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim do not have a name that identifies you with your religion or race. Everyone has been assimilated and have only Thai name or Indonesian name.

Until now, our Barisan Nasional Government has always respected the Social Contract and even included it into the Constitution. The Government had never attempted in any way to close down vernacular schools as was done in Singapore. And I sincerely doubt the Barisan Nasional Government would ever do that. In fact, I know for a fact, the Government through Ministry of Education allocates per capita and some repair funding for Vernacular Schools.

On this note, I do not understand why certain groups such as Dong Jiao Zong are so against Sekolah Wawasan. I am told SJK (T) groups are supportive though. I have discussed with some friends before on it. One of the reasons given is that they fear this action is the initial stage of the assimilation process. Now, I have to rebut that.

As I said, the right to vernacular education is part of the Social Contract. It is also enshrined in the Constitution and more specifically addressed in the Education Act 1996. The BN Government has never attempted to close vernacular schools down and I doubt it ever will. In fact I believe variety or diversity is a strength that is unique to Malaysia if addressed properly. I for one would like to see vernacular schools be a part of the tools for integration and not be an unwilling agent for polarization.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Persidangan Agung UMNO Bahagian Jerai

Sudah 2 minggu saya tidak menulis apa-apa yang baru di dalam blog saya. Ada beberapa sebab kenapa saya berdiam diri agak lama. Secara jujur, saya sibuk dua minggu lepas ini kerana saya telah menawarkan diri bertanding jawatan Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Jerai.

Alhamdulillah, berkat usaha, kerjasama dan doa dari keluarga dan rakan-rakan, saya diberi mandat dan kepercayaan dari para perwakilan untuk memegang jawatan Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Jerai. Saya bersyukur ke hadrat Allah swt yang telah memberikan saya taufik hidayahNYA dalam mengharungi waktu pemilihan ini yang saya anggap amat mencabar dan menguji ketabahan saya dan rakan-rakan.

Saya berasa amat terharu atas kepercayaan yang diberikan. Saya memohon kepada rakan-rakan dan semua untuk mendoakan supaya saya dapat terus melaksanakan amanah saya dengan ikhlas dan berlandaskan ajaran Allah swt.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Reform

I wish to offer my congratulations to YAB Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak as the incoming President of UMNO and by convention, soon to be Malaysia's Prime Minister. It is indeed a great honour and a great responsibility to lead Malaysia, especially in times such as these. I believe YAB DSNR is the best person to succeed YAB Pak Lah. YAB DSNR will hit the ground running, and will quickly adjust to his new role as Commander in Chief of Malaysia.

As I see it, the election of YAB DSNR to UMNO President's post is the first concrete step towards the reformation process that UMNO and the public have been expecting. This will mean we have a new steward, to lead UMNO and the country forward in these difficult and trying times.

What UMNO members throught the country need to do now, is to ensure that UMNO delegates vote in a strong and credible team to help the President. YAB DSNR alone cannot reform UMNO and the country. He needs to have a good and able Deputy President / DPM, good Vice-Presidents and credible Supreme Council members. Apart from UMNO itself, YAB DSNR will critically need the assistance and good working relationship from all BN component parties. All these will translate to a strong Cabinet, able to focus on the well-being of the country and chart the country's fortunes forward.

But I have to add, what he would really need right now and especially in the first 6 months of his Premiership, are the support and understanding from all of us, the Rakyat.

I have to say, great things are expected from the man. He comes across as intellectual, very articulate in his thoughts and demeanour. He is a gentleman, princely as someone told me but yet a man with a good sense of humour and rooted to the ground. In my few meetings with him, he has proven to be a good manager, a strategist and inclusive in getting views from everyone in the meeting before making his decision. Yes, I have great respect for the man.

And with this respect comes high expectations. I know I am not the only one placing such high hopes on him. All of us also have our own wish list of what and how we want Malaysia to progress.

I want to start some sort of a poll online. More towards creating a "Rakyat Wishlist for the Incoming Prime Minister". About the same when I started the PPSMI polls online. I had good response, both on the blog and e mails to me. And, as in the PPSMI exercise, should I collect sufficient response from all readers, I will forward them to YAB DSNR as the incoming Prime Minister.

So everyone, spread the word around. Give me your wishlist for YAB DSNR, the incoming Prime Minister. This is going to be the Rakyat's wishlist. I will endeavour to pass your responses and ideas to the man himself!